Your description is not completely clear in terms of what you mean by "same accession number"; does everything have the same accession, or are there 100 different accessions, each with 13 sequences? Regardless, you can use the BBMap package like this: in=file.fasta out=out_%.fasta ways=100
That will give you 100 fastas, each with an equal number of sequences. Alternatively, if you want to split by accession number: in=file.fasta out=out_%.fasta names=names.txt substringmode
If all of your accessions are listed in "names.txt", this will produce one file per accession, containing all the sequences labelled with that accession. Alternately, if the access is the (for example) first 12 characters of the sequence names, and you don't have a list of accessions, you could do this: in=file.fasta out=out_%.fasta prefixmode length=12
This post may be helpful.
how to convert a long fasta-file into many separate single fasta sequences