I have cluster sequences using cd-hit-est and now I want to filter out the parent or the representative sequence out of the cluster. Any suggestions?
I have cluster sequences using cd-hit-est and now I want to filter out the parent or the representative sequence out of the cluster. Any suggestions?
You can use the * symbol at the end of the line to pull out the representative sequence. I think that this script I wrote, will pull out the representative sequence: https://github.com/josephhughes/TCRclust/blob/master/sort_cdhit.pl
sort-cdhit.pl -i INFILE.fa -o OUTFILE_rep.fa -clstr INFILE.clstr -rep
You will need to make sure you use the option -d 0
when you run cd-hit to be sure to get the complete identifier in the .clstr output file.
Yes. grep
Read the user guide - it mentions a pattern you can use to isolate the representative sequences.
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There's also the included clstr2txt script that converts the output into a more parsing friendly format.
@Ram ,there is no such pattern mentioned dere...sorry if I am missing it