Using the UCSC/gencode and the following awk script:
strand = $4;
txStart = int($5);
txEnd = int($6);
cdsStart = int($7);
cdsEnd = int($8);
exonCount = int($9);
intronStart = int(exonEnds[i]);
intronEnd = int(exonStarts[i+1]);
if( (strand == "+" && intronEnd <= cdsStart) || (strand == "-" && intronStart >= cdsEnd) )
$ curl -s "" | gunzip -c |awk -f biostar.awk
585 ENST00000417324.1 chr1 - 34553 36081 34553 34553 3 34553,35276,35720, 35174,35481,36081, 0 FAM138A none none -1,-1,-1,
585 ENST00000461467.1 chr1 - 35244 36073 35244 35244 2 35244,35720, 35481,36073, 0 FAM138A none none -1,-1,
585 ENST00000466430.5 chr1 - 89294 120932 89294 89294 4 89294,92090,112699,120774, 91629,92240,112804,120932, 0 RP11-34P13.7 none none -1,-1,-1,-1,
585 ENST00000495576.1 chr1 - 89550 91105 89550 89550 2 89550,90286, 90050,91105, 0 RP11-34P13.8 none none -1,-1,
585 ENST00000477740.5 chr1 - 92229 129217 92229 92229 4 92229,112699,120720,129054, 92240,112804,120932,129217, 0 RP11-34P13.7 none none -1,-1,-1,-1,
585 ENST00000471248.1 chr1 - 110952 129173 110952 110952 3 110952,112699,129054, 111357,112804,129173, 0 RP11-34P13.7 none none -1,-1,-1,
73 ENST00000610542.1 chr1 - 120724 133723 120724 120724 4 120724,120873,129054,133373, 120869,120932,129223,133723, 0 RP11-34P13.7 none none -1,-1,-1,-1,
73 ENST00000453576.2 chr1 - 129080 133566 129080 129080 2 129080,133373, 129223,133566, 0 RP11-34P13.7 none none -1,-1,
586 ENST00000493797.1 chr1 - 139789 140339 139789 139789 2 139789,140074, 139847,140339, 0 RP11-34P13.14 none none -1,-1,
586 ENST00000484859.1 chr1 - 141473 149707 141473 141473 2 141473,146385, 143011,149707, 0 RP11-34P13.13 none none -1,-1,
586 ENST00000490997.5 chr1 - 142807 146831 142807 142807 3 142807,146385,146641, 143011,146509,146831, 0 RP11-34P13.13 none none -1,-1,-1,
586 ENST00000466557.6 chr1 - 146385 173862 146385 146385 8 146385,155766,164262,165883,168099,169048,172556,173752, 146509,155831,164791,165942,168165,169264,172688,173862, 0 RP11-34P13.13 none none -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,
586 ENST00000491962.1 chr1 - 165888 168767 165888 165888 3 165888,168099,168609, 165942,168165,168767, 0 RP11-34P13.13 none none -1,-1,-1,
73 ENST00000442116.1 chr1 - 257863 264733 257863 257863 2 257863,264603, 259025,264733, 0 AP006222.2 none none -1,-1,
73 ENST00000448958.1 chr1 - 258143 268807 258143 258143 3 258143,267302,268666, 259025,268204,268807, 0 AP006222.2 none none -1,-1,-1,
73 ENST00000634344.1 chr1 - 258500 267911 258500 258500 3 258500,261549,267302, 259025,261634,267911, 0 AP006222.2 none none -1,-1,-1,
587 ENST00000424587.6 chr1 - 266360 297502 266360 266360 4 266360,268666,289265,297344, 268204,268816,289370,297502, 0 AP006222.2 none none -1,-1,-1,-1,
587 ENST00000335577.4 chr1 - 287516 289370 287516 287516 2 287516,289265, 287921,289370, 0 AP006222.2 none none -1,-1,
587 ENST00000441866.1 chr1 - 357382 359681 357382 357382 3 357382,358048,359344, 357586,358183,359681, 0 RP5-857K21.15 none none -1,-1,-1,
587 ENST00000431321.1 chr1 - 365388 366120 365388 365388 2 365388,366018, 365692,366120, 0 RP4-669L17.10 none none -1,-1,
Please use
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Hahaha if this leads to a paper in any way I'll be surprised! But noted!!