After mapping to reference using "bwa mem", downstream analysis in my project are variant calling using samtools and CNV detection using CNV-seq. In your opinion, default setting in bwa is proper for my goal? i must use -M in "bwa mem" (I want to mark duplicates via Picard after mapping to reference) ?
this project is my first NGS analysis and need to your kindly helps
You need to learn how to use google. This is not exactly rocket science and you can definitely find guidance on the internet, for example, this htslib workflow page and this samtools page. If you have more specific questions you can definitely ask them here.
i can use google and i know where i find programs manual, i am learning bioinformatic and i need the experience of bioinformatician more than programs manual. Here, there are people who, regardless of the question and questioner level, just try to respond to questioner and help her/him. (forgive me for my weak English, because it is not my maternal language).
So instead of going through a manual, your prefer that someone here spends time to type it out for you again. That's not how biostars works.
This is a "blinded" question - you are not telling us anything about your experiment or goals. What is the organism? What sequencing platform did you use? What depth did you sequence to, was it PCR-amplified, etc. It's not really possibly to help with no knowledge of the situation.