Hello, I would like to extract sequence around snp from the human genome like below. Is there any tools to do this?
Hello, I would like to extract sequence around snp from the human genome like below. Is there any tools to do this?
Use 'samtools faidx', if you know the position of snp. You will also require the relevant reference build: samtools faidx ref.fasta chr1:2500026-2500063 adjust the range as required.
Create a bed file with range containing your snp position: chr pos-offset pos+offet
Exemple with 3 snps : (chr3:150050 ,chr4:150050,chr5:150050) and 10 nucleotid size margin :
chr 3 150040 1500060
chr 4 150040 1500060
chr 5 150040 1500060
Then use bedtools to extract your sequences
bedtools getfasta -fi hg19.fa -bed snp.bed -fo out.fa
You should get a list of all sequences founded.
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Extract Flanking Region Of A Snp
Get Flanking Sequence Given A List Of Positions
@Jonessara770 Did you find a way to extract the SNP flanking sequences.