I want to know what kind of phenotypic data I can put in PLINK.
I have this phenotypic file (pheno1.txt):
I coded the sex like this: Sex (1=male; 2=female; other=unknown)
Everything is on a continuous scale. no missing values. The IID is the same as the one in the VCF file.
I ran this line:
plink --file output_in_plink --pheno pheno1.txt --out run2
output_in_plink is the files that are named
Coming from the command vcftools --vcf output.vcf --plink --out ./plink/output_in_plink
After, I ran this:
plink --file output_in_plink --pheno pheno1.txt --out run2
But it returns nothing except a log and a no sex file...
When I ran this:
plink --file output_in_plink --no-fid --pheno pheno1.txt --out run2
It tells me that there si an error:
Problem with line 1 in [ output_in_plink.ped ]
Expecting 5 + 2 * 840907 = 1681819 columns, but found more
The end goal is to calculate an association mapping of the individuals coming from different populations (4 different species):
plink --file output_in_plink --no-fid --no-parents --pheno pheno1.txt --all-pheno --assoc --maf 0.05 --out run1
But this is not working. Do you know how to solve this?
Maybe I should include the species?:
What's mydata? What's pheno.raw?
What's mydata? What's pheno.raw?
It seems to work but it returns nothing for F_A F_U and CHISQ (from the file run1.assoc).
It's saying here that I'm suppose to have a p-value: http://pngu.mgh.harvard.edu/~purcell/plink/anal.shtml
The weird thing is that they are not proposing a phenotypic file here: