Thanks for reading. I have searched for the answer to this problem in many places, however I am not able of finding the right one and the error keeps popping up. I am trying to read a table that has samples (86) as columns and genes as rows(>37.000).
I have tried to read it from different formats as tab delimited file (.txt) and comma separated values (.CSV) and with different functions (read.table, read.csv, etc)I always get the same error:
Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, : duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed
Has anybody any idea of how fixing this dumb error? Thanks and merry christmas.
Thanks Devon WouterDeCoster, I will check the CSV for duplicated rows. Merry christmas
Hi, I used following lines (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6986657/find-duplicated-rows-based-on-2-columns-in-data-frame-in-r?rq=1)
dup <- data.frame(as.numeric(duplicated(data$X))) #creates df with binary var for duplicated rows colnames(dup) <- c("dup") #renames column for simplicity df2 <- cbind(data, dup) #bind to original df df3 <- subset(df2, dup == 1) #subsets df using binary var for duplicated`
And got the error, a gene name changed to Mar-01 repeated twice. Thanks again for your help.
That's the March1 gene converted by excel.