I am trying to annotate my list of variants with hg19_icgc21.txt with annovar. The database looks like this:
MT 16326 16326 A G MU17729789 PACA-AU|1|391|0.00256 MT 16337 16337 C T MU16089244 OV-AU|1|93|0.01075 MT 16352 16352 T C MU29386732 PAEN-IT|1|37|0.02703 MT 16360 16360 C T MU13637878 OV-AU|1|93|0.01075 MT 16365 16365 C T MU22658014 RECA-EU|1|95|0.01053 MT 16366 16366 C T MU8784685 PACA-AU|1|391|0.00256
After running annovar , it outputs only column 6. What I want is column 6 and 7. I had a look at the software help but it seems --colsWanted works only for region-based annotation. Is there any other options that I can put to get column 7?