Wrote a multipurpose fasta-fetcher a while back here: https://github.com/jrjhealey/bioinfo-tools/blob/master/fastafetcher.py
It supports finding the right fasta by a file of keys, by string directly, and also has an 'invert' parameter to retrieve everything but the ones you list. Usage I think is pretty self explanatory (script has a help function thanks to argparse) but feel free to ask for clarification:
python fastafetcher.py -k keyfile.txt -f fastafile.fasta [--invert]
key file has to be a simple list of exact strings, one per line.
# Extract fasta files by their descriptors stored in a separate file.
# Requires biopython
import StringIO
from Bio import SeqIO
import sys
import traceback
import warnings
import argparse
def getKeys(keyFile):
"""Turns the input key file into a tuple. May be memory intensive."""
with open(keyFile, "r") as kfh:
keys = []
for line in kfh:
line = line.rstrip('\n')
line = line.lstrip('>')
return keys
def main():
"""Takes a list of strings in a text file (one per line) and retreives them and their sequences from a provided multifasta."""
# Parse arguments from the commandline:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Retrieve one or more fastas from a given multifasta.')
help='The multifasta to search.')
help='A file of header strings to search the multifasta for. Must be exact. Must be one per line.')
help='Output file to store the new fasta sequences in. Just prints to screen by default.')
help='Set whether to print the key list out before the fasta sequences. Useful for debugging.')
help='Invert the search, and retrieve all sequences NOT specified in the keyfile.')
args = parser.parse_args()
print "An exception occured with argument parsing. Check your provided options."
# Rename args to enable them to be provided to the getKeys function:
keyFile = args.keys
inFile = args.fasta
outFile = args.outfile
# Main code:
# Call getKeys() to create the tuple of keys from the provided file:
keys = getKeys(keyFile)
except IOError:
keys = args.keys
if args.verbose is not False:
if args.invert is False:
print('Fetching the following keys from: ' + inFile)
for key in keys:
print('Ignoring the following keys, and retreiving everything else from: ' + inFile)
for key in keys:
# Parse in the multifasta and assign an iterable variable:
seqIter = SeqIO.parse(inFile, 'fasta')
# For each sequence in the multifasta, check if it's in the keys[] tuple. If so, print it out:
for seq in seqIter:
if args.invert is False:
if seq.id in keys:
if args.outfile is not None:
SeqIO.write(seq, outFile, "fasta")
# If the --invert/-i flag is given, print all fastas NOT listed in the keyfile
if seq.id not in keys:
if args.outfile is not None:
SeqIO.write(seq, outFile, "fasta")
if __name__ == "__main__":
so biopython has this as their filtering example:
so when i modify this example to my files it gives me only one sequence in my output fasta file, I guess i'm confused why its doing that.
I assume you adapted the code to work for fasta format? Could you show your code as well? This seems right...
Maybe i'm missing something in the code for the fasta format? it does output a fasta file, just only with one sequence instead of the 80 or so sequence ids in the text file.
And the wanted variable looks okay? It contains the expected number of identifiers (and the expected values)?
This is my output from the terminal:
Found 1 unique identifiers in CoV_seq_names_010517.txt Saved 1 records from cov_uniq_aln_103016.fasta to cov_less_seqs_010517.fasta
And the output fasta file has only the first sequences on my id_file, so I think the problem is this line:
wanted = set(line.rstrip("\n").split(None,1)[0] for line in open(id_file))
Indeed, only one identifier was found. You will need to modify the line you mentioned. How does your id_file look like? How is it separated?