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8.0 years ago
What are the possible ways of knowledge discovery from extracted gene disease associations from biomedical text
What are the possible ways of knowledge discovery from extracted gene disease associations from biomedical text
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It might be helpful if you would share your own discoveries and observations! If you don't have any, then please, at least, describe what it is that you hope to accomplish, and how you are attempting to go about it.
Along the lines of what Brian said. Do you want to know ways to do this? Are you looking for resources that have already done it, where you can just download the results? Have you already tried something yourself? And last but not least, what exactly do you mean by knowledge discovery? Are you looking for methods for doing the association extraction or are you looking for methods to do something with them after they have been extracted?
If @balubhasuran08 is looking for a resource that has done this already, have a look at the Open Targets Platform. We have 1,323,315 gene-diseases associated from mining the literature only (plus many others based on other data sources. Check our REST endpoint for our latest stats. The Platform is one of the projects of the Open Targets Consortium and is free to use. No need for registration.