Sorry for yet another basic question. I can't get the number of cow SNPs in dnSNP to add up. If i get the total SNPs for bos taurus of type SNP i get 2,210,399 SNPs. If i then get all of the SNPs on chromosomes 1-29 and X and Y I get 1,877,229. If i get the number of unknown SNPs i get 150,853. These last 2 numbers don't add up to the total number of 2,210,399. I tried checking every chromosome in the chromosome option box including unknown and i only got 2028082 SNPs (1,877,229 +150,853), but if i don't make any chromosome selection and just choose cow as the organism I get 2,210,399.
Does anyone know what might be causing this disparity?
Also my eutils query to get only those SNPs on a chromosome doesn't work:
my$query = 'bos taurus[ORG] AND snp[SNP_CLASS] AND (Not Un[CHR]) ';
This returns those SNPs on unknown chromosomes which is the opposite to what I want. It returns the same as this for some reason:
my$query = 'bos taurus[ORG] AND snp[SNP_CLASS] AND Un[CHR] ';
I got 2,210,641 snps for 'bos taurus' not 2,210,399 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/esearch.fcgi?db=snp&term=bos%20taurus[ORG]&retmax=1
If I search with just the organism flag set to bos taurus in Entrez SNP web interface I get 2210399. I also get this number for an eutils query:
my $query = 'bos taurus[ORG] AND snp[SNP_CLASS]'
If i search with the organism flag set to bos taurus and the class to SNP in Entrez SNP web interface I get 2210399. I also get this number for an eutils query:
that is the total number of variations in bos taurus.I'm restricting the snp class to SNP which gives a few less
Biological context and computational representation work in staggeringly different ways and that often produces seemingly counter intuitive results. The same question formulated a different way will often lead to slightly (or even substantially) different results.