Hellos I have some bam files from cancer patients' tumor tissues and blood. The data were originally used for somatic variant calling. But I wonder if I can use the blood data to call germline variants using GATK HC tool. Thanks
Hellos I have some bam files from cancer patients' tumor tissues and blood. The data were originally used for somatic variant calling. But I wonder if I can use the blood data to call germline variants using GATK HC tool. Thanks
Technically you can. However there is a certain chance that blood cells are contaminated with circulating tumor cells. If you're confident about your normal purity, it shouldn't affect much.
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If you are doing somatic variant calling, you are using a tumor and a normal sample. Normal sample is used for determining germline variants.
I don't see any reason why you can't.
Then if I want to get all SNPs for whole genome, can I do imputation after genotype detection?
I've never done anything like that, but I would expect that the SNP data you obtain from WES is insufficient for WGS imputation.