Hi all,
I recently ran RNA-SeQC on yeast RNAseq data to assess the quality of the sequencing run.
Unfortunately, the tool returned only "NA" for the "Strand Specificity" section:
This sample contains single-end reads that I mapped to the reference using STAR using the following command:
$> ~/STAR --runThreadN 20 --genomeDir ./yeast_index --outFileNamePrefix ./star_out --readFilesIn sample_10-b-8.fastq --limitBAMsortRAM 1207105173 --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --outSAMattrRGline ID:HWLCLBGXZ_1_17 SM:Sample_10-b-8
Are there any other options I need to set in STAR to provide strand specificity information?
Thanks for any suggestions!
Thanks for the suggestion!
I am actually using the RNA-SeQC tool from the Broad Institute; that's where the report came from. I will take a look at the tool you mentioned, maybe it will be more appropriate.