I found that in Radish some of the CDS (coding) gene sequences is very similar to each others so I want to extract whole gene sequence including 5' or 3' UTR from genome so that I can differentiate these genes from each other.
This is the link for Radish genome database:
Rs.1.0 Gene :gff file Rs.1.0 CDS: coding region of genes Rs.1.0 Chromosome : complete genome seq
Orthologus gene in Arabidopsis Similar coding transcript in Radish Wox4 Rs267160, Rs429330 ANT Rso41500,Rs041540, Rs148980
Please suggest how I can do this?
Error while running above cammand:
Yikes! Do not run common programs as user
. That is bad practice. You could do some serious damage to your system, if you make a mistake.Otherwise the error is clear. Samtools is not able to open those strangely named fasta files from local directory. Provide full path if needed.
I think there is some problem in fasta file. can you suggest how can I format fasta file.
Fasta is about the simplest file format that there is. What kind of formatting issue do you think there is with your files? Where (or what program) did you get them from?
Earlier during indexing fasta file I got problems like white spaces...but this is not the case in this file.
I am not able to understand what is the problem.
When I use vi cammand to view fa.fai file
Yes, after that when I used the below cammand: it shows error
[root@psgl UTR_ANALYSIS]# /home/yog/software/samtools-1.3.1/samtools faidx [Rs267160:32800241-32801875]
[fai_build] fail to open the FASTA file [Rs267160:32800241-32801875]
Could not build fai index [Rs267160:32800241-32801875].fai
@DanD omitted a crucial option from the command posted above. You need to provide the fasta file that you want to extract the interval from in your command. Can you try?
samtools faidx Radish_chro.fasta Rs267160:32800241-32801875
If you want it captured to a file then
samtools faidx Radish_chro.fasta Rs267160:32800241-32801875 > my_seq.fa
Thanks a lot, I am able to retrieve the sequence, instead of gene name Rs267160 I type the Chromosome number R5, and the position of the the sequence on the chromosome:
/home/yog/software/samtools-1.3.1/samtools faidx Radish_chro.fasta R5:32800241-32801875