Hi dear All, I have been recently doing rna-seq analysis. In the fastqc report it shows overpresented sequcences(1.7%) but with "NO Hit" in the "Possible Source" column. DO I need to trim them off? As it is paired-end reads, how to present the "adapter" when using cutadapt ?
For instance, the sequence I wanna trim is "GTGCTCTT", so the command should be like
cutadapt -a GTGCTCTT -A AAGAGCAC -o out.1.fastq -p out.2.fastq reads.1.fastq reads.2.fastq
where the sequence following "-A" is reverse-complementary to the sequence behind "-a"
Can anyone tell me if it is right to write command above ? or if not correct, plz show me the correct command
Thanks in advance!!