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8.1 years ago
Hello Everyone,
I have two gene lists with sample, gene, chromosome, mutation_type, start, end, codon columns. Want to perform Fishers test between two gene lists for a particular gene eg: MAP3K1. Can anyone tell me how can I perform this in R?
Thank you
Are you talking about the FET implemented in the fisher.text() function? Can you please post an example so we can understand what kind of data you want to analyze?
For eg: I want see for MAP3K1. Could you please tell how to see it is wildtype or mutant? And then after that I want to perform fisher.test function.
If you can summarize your dataframes into two columns "MAP3K1" (containing values "wt" and "mutant") and "LIST" ("list1" and "list2") then you could use table() to automatically generate contingency matrices. I don't know how easy this will be since I don't know the architectures of your dataframes. I guess an apply() function could help you to get the information you need.