when I run the query
mysql> select * from snp131 where name='rs67465876';
| bin | chrom | chromStart | chromEnd | name | score | strand | refNCBI | refUCSC | observed | molType | class | valid | avHet | avHetSE | func | locType | weight |
| 585 | chr1 | 13667 | 13668 | rs67465876 | 0 | + | G | G | A/G | genomic | single | by-cluster,by-hapmap,by-1000genomes | 0.5 | 0 | untranslated-3 | exact | 3 |
| 1457 | chr2 | 114357349 | 114357350 | rs67465876 | 0 | - | T | T | A/G | genomic | single | by-cluster,by-hapmap,by-1000genomes | 0.5 | 0 | unknown | exact | 3 |
| 1037 | chrY | 59359060 | 59359061 | rs67465876 | 0 | - | C | C | A/G | genomic | single | by-cluster,by-hapmap,by-1000genomes | 0.5 | 0 | unknown | exact | 3
as you can see I get three different rows for the same RS number. Why is there three different snps on three different chromosomes with the same rs numbers ? How shall I treat these entries? Thanks