/home/yog/software/hisat2-2.0.0-beta/hisat2-build -c Rs_1.0.chromosomes.fix.fasta Radish_index -p 8 --ss radish_splice --exon radish_exon
Where fasta is genome file
Radish_index is index base name
/home/yog/software/hisat2-2.0.0-beta/hisat2-build -c Rs_1.0.chromosomes.fix.fasta Radish_index -p 8 --ss radish_splice --exon radish_exon
Where fasta is genome file
Radish_index is index base name
Small correction. You can remove -c
/home/yog/software/hisat2-2.0.0-beta/hisat2-build Rs_1.0.chromosomes.fix.fasta Radish_index -p 8 --ss radish_splice --exon radish_exon
Also, you may want to try without --ss and --exon options as these options will need large RAM.
Error while running Hisat2:
[root@psgl hisat2]# /home/yog/software/hisat2-2.0.0-beta/hisat2 -p 8 -x Radish_index -1 /data/SNU_work/Analysis/unmapped/unmapped/unmapped_R1.fq -2 /data/SNU_work/Analysis/unmapped/unmapped/unmapped_R2.fq --max-intronlen 200079
(ERR): hisat2-align died with signal 11 (SEGV) (core dumped)
Can you try without --max-intronlen
How was your index? Did hisat2-build
run without error? If the issue persists, can you build index again and try alignment?
Also, though not at the time of indexing, you can provide --ss at the time of alignment such as...
hisat2 -p 10 --ss splicesites.txt -x genome_index -1 R1.fastq -2 R2.fastq
hisat2 -p 10 --known-splicesite-infile splicesites.txt -x genome_index -1 R1.fastq -2 R2.fastq
I want to install latest version of hisat2. I am confused between binary and source files:
Do I need to download both:
And after unzip what should I do?
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Offtopic comment: what you mean is "command" instead of "cammand". I've tried to hint that in a few previous threads, but you probably missed it.
Ontopic comment: how to create a hisat index is clearly explained in the manual.
Slightlty offtpic comment: you are using an outdated version of hisat2
Thanks for right suggest. trying to switch to latest version.