I am trying to do blastn using NCBI-BLAST BLAST 2.2.31+ using the following 2 following sequences in a file:
against the following sequence:
My >Positive Control
is just copy of a part of >SubjectPositiveControl
, and >PositiveControl_NNNNN
is same as >PositiveControl
but with 5 letters changed to Ns. My blast search finds >PositiveControl
but aligns >PositiveControl_NNNNN
only partially, where there are exact sequences (eg GGTTGA). Here is the command I used:
blastn -query PositiveControl.txt -subject SubjectPositiveControl.txt -task "blastn-short" -max_target_seqs 1 -word_size 4 -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid qlen length qseq sseq pident sstrand" > PositiveControlResults.txt
Is there any way to perform this search with BLAST? Or is there any other tool/software/website that can do that? Thank you.
What is your expected alignment ? Can you also post contents of
?BLAST+ is currently in v.2.6. Please upgrade if possible.
seqkit locate -d
(http://bioinf.shenwei.me/seqkit/usage/#locate) can locate motif containingN
, but it's exact not similar search.