Hi all,
I am trying to use some PLINK flags --geno and --maf to do some quality control filtering on my SNPs bed files (bed, bim and fam). The flags seemed to have worked fine but I received this error:
Error: Invalid header bytes in .bed file.
I have no idea what it means since I have been using the bed files for a few times and they had no problem.
I hope someone who is using PLINK would know the answer! Many thanks! Doro
Here is my script:
/{directory}/plink --bfile /{directory}/new_baependi/Baependi_release3_filtered_batch1_3_chr22.impute2 --make-bed --geno 0.05 --maf 0.005 --out / {directory}/Baependi_release3_qc_batch1_3_chr22.impute2
can you post the first few lines from you bed file