I usually use Bowtie as an aligner, but I wonder whether I can use Bowtie as a trimmer as well?
I tried the below command line: bowtie <bowtie_index> -1 read1.fastq -2 read2.fastq --trim5 2 --un unaligned --al aligned > aligned.bam
I wanted bowtie to trim the first 2bps at the 5prime end, and output the unaligned the reads to unliagned_1.fastq and unaligned_2.fastq, and I would use unaligned_1.fastq and unaligned_2.fastq for downstream analysis, but seems the reads in unaligned_1.fastq and unaligned_2.fastq are the same with the original ones (first 2bp at 5prime are still there).
Can someone tell whether and how bowtie can be used as a trimmer and output the trimmed reads to a fastq file?
Right tool for the right job. You can't use it as a general purpose trimmer as you have discovered.