This is my first time trying out a fastq -> VCF pipeline, so I don't have the experience to be able to determine if things are working as I'm chugging through each step (from trimming, to alignment, to variant calling).
I just tried to create an index using hg19.fa on my MacBook Air which has 4 gigs of RAM. I ran
bwa index hg19.fa
and after 695 iterations (and 3063 seconds) the program stops with:
[bwa_index] Update BWT... [fwrite] No space left on device.
I have about 2 gigs left on my hard drive, for what it's worth. But right now I'm just wondering what exactly was left to be done, since I got to the point where it says
Finished constructing BWT
Can I use the files (4 of them) that were created to align my paired-end fastq's? (From my understanding, there are supposed to be a lot more.) Also, if I clear some memory on my computer, can I resume this process (assuming that it in fact is not finished) from where it left off, using these 4 files? This is what was created so far:
hg19.fa.amb hg19.fa.ann hg19.fa.bwt hg19.fa.pac
I wouldn't trust them, bwa is perhaps more robust than your typical bioinformatics program, but chances are one or more of the files are incomplete, and that further processing will give you incomplete or wrong results - or if you are lucky, you will get an error.