Hi all,
I am using bwtool to make a matrix for footprinting a TF using a BED file I generated with meme and some bigwig files from my data:
bwtool matrix 200:200 /sonas-hs/args/hpc_norepl/home/rbronste/FoxA1_fimo.bed /sonas-hs/args/hpc_norepl/home/rbronste/FastQ_data/p14_033016/cutadapt_75bp/bigWigs_mm10/296834SamtoolsRmDup.bigWig /sonas-hs/args/hpc_norepl/home/rbronste/FoxA1output.txt
Error: invalid signed integer: "53.4"
I see a column in the bed file corresponding to the strand with two different integers for +/- and can't figure out why I am getting this error. Anyone have any clue? Thanks!
what is the output of