Hello everybody.
I have a question regarding the MAF in CNVs. What do people mean when they say CNV with MAF ≤1%?
I know it's important to check if the CNV is common or not (we can use DGV to do it). But I'm not sure about what the MAF means (in CNVs). Is it a mean (or min) MAF in the region? Or this is just a wrong way to say that 1% is the frequency of the CNV?
Thank you in advance
I don't work on CNVs but I would just think its the minor allele frequency, similar to MAFs in SNPs which can be checked on dbSNP, so CNV with MAF ≤1% would indicate rare CNVs,
Yes, it's the minor allele frequency. Nevertheless, there is no information about the type of CNV (e.g. deletion or duplication) and often, mostly in DGV, it's a genotype frequency (3 of 100 samples carry a CNV) not the allele frequency (3 of 200 alleles).