Good evening, my name is Luigi, I’m a PhD Student with the passion of Bioinformatic, and I’m working on several RNA-Seq data. I recently discovered Circos, and I’m publishing my first paper on RNA-Seq. I would like to apply Circos plots in my work, but I didn’t find any tutorial or satisfying guide to generate specific data files of RNA-Seq for Circos, and how to use it… Please, can you explain me how to create a plot from RNA-Seq data, and how to set specific data files to import? In detail, I would like to integrate, in the same plot (if possible): 1) Scatter Plot; 2) Heat Map 3) Volcano Plot 4) Ideograms. Moreover, I have an experiment with 3 replies and 4 time points: can I put all time points data to compare them, following the previous kind of graphics? Thanks very much in advance.
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