I am trying to convert gff to gtf. I got this from JGI.
scaffold_1 JGI exon 6764 7298 . - . name "estExt_Genewise1.C_1_t10003"; transcriptId 510443
scaffold_1 JGI CDS 6997 7298 . - 2 name "estExt_Genewise1.C_1_t10003"; proteinId 510305; exonNumber 3
scaffold_1 JGI stop_codon 6997 6999 . - 0 name "estExt_Genewise1.C_1_t10003"
I used:
gffread genes.gff -T -o genes.gtf
genes.gtf file is like this:
scaffold_1 JGI exon 1131 1262 . + . transcript_id "name";
scaffold_1 JGI exon 2725 3036 . + . transcript_id "name";
scaffold_1 JGI exon 5439 5651 . + . transcript_id "name";
scaffold_1 JGI exon 19128 19223 . + . transcript_id "name";
scaffold_1 JGI exon 23365 23825 . + . transcript_id "name";
Why there is "name" instead of actual ID?
Thanks I was able to figure out.