I am using the samtools view -b -S -o
command and I seem to get a new error every time I run the command.
I will get [sam_read1] reference 'AMELIA:269' is recognized as '*'.
[main_samview] truncated file.
Parse error at line 5177839: sequence and quality are inconsistent
Aborted (core dumped)
this line changes everytime
Also [sam_read1] reference 'AMELIA:269:C1EUFACXX:2:1101:12' is recognized as '*'.
[main_samview] truncated file.'
The sam input file was created with the bwa sampe
you sure, you used the right reference when generating sam file? Most likely your sam header is messed up, also:
Error In Converting Sam To Bam By Samtools
it could be that your alignment was not finished prior to generating sam file maybe it's a good idea to wrap your mapping in a shell script, and echo when each stage was finished