Hi, I tried GATK Mutect2 with default parameter, as follows:
java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
-T MuTect2 \
-R reference.fasta \
-I:tumor tumor.bam \
-I:normal normal.bam \
[--dbsnp dbSNP.vcf] \
[--cosmic COSMIC.vcf] \
[-L targets.interval_list] \
-o output.vcf
But I got hundreds of mutations for one sample. I wonder if is there a referenced filtration step that can be used. Thanks
agreed. when people say stuff like the exonic mutation rate is on average 1 per kb, they are talking about germline calls. so if your looking at wgs or exome, then yea you might see 10s of thousands of events (the majority of which are probably non-synonymous and or high MAF). frequencies of somatic mutations are an entirely different story.
Mutect2 can be only used for somatic mutation calling, not germline. I have not try other tools yet.