I wish to exclude all the variants in a vcf file where the first snpeff annotation is either intron_variant or 'splice_acceptor_variant&intron_variant or 'splice_region_variant&intron_variant' or 'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant.
Now the command that does NOT work is:
java -jar SnpSift.jar filter "(ANN[0].EFFECT != 'intron_variant')|(ANN[0].EFFECT !='splice_acceptor_variant&intron_variant')|(ANN[0].EFFECT !='splice_region_variant&intron_variant')|(ANN[0].EFFECT != 'splice_donor_variant&intron_variant')" final_result.vcf >final_result_no_introns.vcf
The above command works when I replace '|' with '&&'.
Is this a software issue or I am not understanding the usage of the logical operators in SnpSift correctly?
Thank you for the suggestion. I used it just now. No filtering was performed on my input file..furthermore the operator '&&' doing the job does not make sense. Is there a catch somewhere that I am missing?