I'm using Targetscan6.2 to predict miRNA targets. The results coming out really confused me, how to choose among tens of targets of the same miRNA? Targets with higher or lower context+ scores are better? Thank you!
I'm using Targetscan6.2 to predict miRNA targets. The results coming out really confused me, how to choose among tens of targets of the same miRNA? Targets with higher or lower context+ scores are better? Thank you!
Targets with lowest context+ scores are the most representative ones.
For each predicted target of each miRNA, the sum of the context+ scores for the sites to that miRNA was calculated as the total context+ score. Predicted targets of each miRNA family are sorted by total context+ score. The representative miRNA is the miRNA in its family with the most favorable (lowest) total context+ score.
The context+ score for a specific site is the sum of the contribution of these six features (according to Garcia et al., 2011 paper):
Here you can find more information: http://www.targetscan.org/vert_61/docs/help.html
Hope it helps.
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Thanks, airan. That really helps.