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7.9 years ago
Hi all,
I want to create a matrix that lists number of overlaps between two lists. So the rows would be one list and the columns would be the other.
this is what I have to far:
for (i in length(list.1)) {
for (j in length(list.2)) {
table <- table(countOverlaps(list.1[[i]], list.2[[j]], type='any', maxgap=0)) }}
but I am only getting one overlap
I have tried:
x <- lapply(list.1, function(x,y) {table(countOverlaps(x,y,type="any", maxgap=0))}, list.2)
but the numbers do not match when I do an individual test
any clues?
thanks in advance
Shouldn't it be
for(i in c(1:length(list.1)) {
?yes! I forgot to add the 1 in