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7.8 years ago
How to get gene description, entrez ID and GO information, etc for ensembl release-34?
Zm00001d027267 Zm00001d027268
using Biomart I am getting empty result for all these headers such gene description etc.
You seem to have the wrong link for FTP. Try this: ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/plants/release-34/fasta/zea_mays/
Can you tell us the filters and attributes you're using in BioMart, please? I filtered by the two IDs you listed and got the attributes you said and I got this.
Thanks I was using filter uniprortKB.
But now for this version protein coding gene description seems to be only 1560.
Compare to previous version release 31 has 28568 protein coding gene description.
Is there a way to get protein coding gene description similar to previous version?
If not can you suggest a way to map release 34 gene IDs to release 31 gene IDs?