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7.9 years ago
Previously i used SRA toolkit several times to download SRA reads and it is not successful. Now i am trying it from following link using IDM software and i get "500 illegal port command" error. i googled and reached to some solutions such as Disable Proxy Settings in Web Browser but it did not work for me. what i do to resolve this error? (OS: Windows)
thanks in advance
Have you tried the Aspera connect?
There is no problem with the download link, it is just a very big file. I think you need to check your internet connection very carefully. What happens for example, if you try to download using your web browser? This is not a bioinformatics problem, but as a side note: some governments tend to operate restrictive internet filters (e.g. "the great fire-wall" of china which results in making several important services like google unavailable there), I don't know if that is the case in your country, but I would try a VPN connection.
using IDM i downloaded 42% of that file and when i get mentioned error i close error pop-up and try to continue. this Iterative process bother me and i want to solve the problem completely. thanks for your comment.
Try to install wget or curl, both are command line programs that should also be available for windows. At least win 10 should work.
I have done some googling on internet filtering in Iran. Unfortunately, there is very little to achieve by software solutions. See https://jhalderm.com/pub/papers/iran-foci13.pdf and https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2013/08/15/heres-how-iran-censors-the-internet/?utm_term=.81e4912abe67 The information is somewhat dated (2013) but see specifically Section 4.4 Connection Throttling and
i downloaded it. thanks a lot Michael for your advise and comments