I would like to assemble a network connecting some genomic data based on metabolism and KEGG reaction IDs. Is there a way that I can view all reactions listed on the KEGG database?
I would like to assemble a network connecting some genomic data based on metabolism and KEGG reaction IDs. Is there a way that I can view all reactions listed on the KEGG database?
You can get up-to-date links between kegg reaction IDs and genes using KEGG REST API. You can first find mapping from reactions to enzymes and then from enzymes to human genes:
rxn2enz <- keggLink("enzyme", "reaction")
enz2hsa <- keggLink("hsa", "enzyme")
Replace hsa
with the organism code you need.
Check if this helps,
Example for batch retrieval:
For anyone who might look this up, I did actually find this information within KEGG's website. The URL http://www.genome.jp/kegg-bin/get_htext?br08201.keg, which is available from the webpage http://www.genome.jp/kegg/brite.html and listed on the link for "Enzymatic reactions" shows all of the reaction information I had been looking for. This includes compound names, reaction IDs, and hierarchies. Other links from the same BRITE URL above have a conversion list of KO terms to reaction IDs and multiple other full listings that I was able to carry out network analysis around.
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Hi, now that I've done linking enzymes to reactions and a chosen gene to enzyme, how do I view which reactions are associated with the chosen gene? Thanks
For example, like this:
Got it! Thanks for answering.