I would like to use FindPeaks to call peaks on chIP-seq data, where I have an IP against a sequence specific transcription factor, using Input as control. I would appreciate any guidance as to which control methods, cutoff and FDR methods people are using.
I am currently running MACS and SWEMBL also, and though I get good agreement between these two, I do not get very good agreement with findPeaks.
Specific command line options or general guidance about use would be helpfil. I am using it on pre-filtered (on alignment score) BAM files.
That is very helpful thanks, not very different to what I as doing. What do you mean by filtering on "ht on the auto_threshold results" though?
If you run FP4 with -auto_threshold [?] parameter, you'll notice a line in the log file that will tell you the min. height you should filter (per chromosome) to achieve a [?] confidence on your peaks. I've recently defaulted that flag to 0.99
Great, thanks. I didn't know that part. I will take a look.