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8.0 years ago
I am new to the field. I want to get an idea of that challenges people usually face.
I am new to the field. I want to get an idea of that challenges people usually face.
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It's ok to be new to the field , poke around, read ask questions, but honestly, this unspecific question, I don't think anyone can answer a question like that.
Dear Andrea,
This is a very open-ended question. I would suggest you start with reading "Introduction to Bioinformatics" book. In addition, you can do courses on Coursera. they offer various Bioinformatics courses for beginners. From that point, you can also get involved in some open source projects. once you get involved in some project you will get specific questions to ask in this forum.
If you are asking this question to get an idea whether to enter this field or not then I guess it is very subjective and you will not get a specific answer for that.
Hope this helps.