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8.0 years ago
Lila M
Hi! I want to annotate the genes with a peak for a S.pombe ChiPseq experiment. I always do that using ChIPseeker. As there is no TxDB genome for S.pombe, I've created it as follow
txdb_pombe <- makeTxDbFromGFF("Schizosaccharomyces_pombe.ASM294v2.34.gff3.gz", format="gff3", organism = "Schizosaccharomyces pombe", taxonomyId = "4896")
But I have the follow warning:
Import genomic features from the file as a GRanges object ... OK
Prepare the 'metadata' data frame ... OK
Make the TxDb object ... OK
Warning messages:
1: Named parameters not used in query: internal_chrom_id, chrom, length, is_circular
2: Named parameters not used in query: internal_id, name, type, chrom, strand, start, end
3: Named parameters not used in query: internal_id, name, chrom, strand, start, end
4: Named parameters not used in query: internal_id, name, chrom, strand, start, end
5: Named parameters not used in query: internal_tx_id, exon_rank, internal_exon_id, internal_cds_id
6: Named parameters not used in query: gene_id, internal_tx_id
And when I've tried to run the program
for (i in fileList){
peak <- readPeakFile(i, header=F)
peakAnno <- annotatePeak(peak, tssRegion=c(-500, 2000), TxDb= "txdb_pombe")
write.table(peakAnno, paste("annot_", i, sep="") , sep="\t", col.names=T, row.names = F, quote=F)
The follow error is reported
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘metadata’ for signature ‘"character"’
Any suggestion?
Many thanks!
Totally right, problem solved!!!