Hi guys,
I've just wondering if someone here know how to get the S.pombe annotation over the non-coding regions. As I am using chipseeker for the annotation:
txdb_pombe <- makeTxDbFromGFF("Schizosaccharomyces_pombe.ASM294v2.34.gff3.gz", format="gff3", organism = "Schizosaccharomyces pombe", taxonomyId = "4896")non-coding regions
fileList <- list.files( ,pattern = "*.BED")
for (i in fileList){
peak <- readPeakFile(i, header=F)
peakAnno <- annotatePeak(peak, tssRegion=c(-2000, 2000), TxDb = txdb_pombe)
write.table(peakAnno, paste("annot_total_", i, sep="") , sep="\t", col.names=T, row.names = F, quote=F)
As my gff3 genome only have the coding regions for S.pombre, I can't get the intron annotation. I'd would like to know if anyone know how I can get the whole annotation for S.pombe including also the non-coding regions
Hi! I've used the last file of the link, in that file are not included the non-coding region?
Thank you!
introns , 5' and 3' UTRs, ncRNAs, promoters ... they are all annotated in that file. Just search "intron" and you will see :)
Yes I know, but when I use chipseeker, it only report promoter, exon.... and not introns, downstream, distal intergenic.... any idea whats going on? :/
So the annotation is fine, the issue now is in how ChIPseeker reads it. Sadly I can't really help here because I don't use this package. Perhaps you should ask a new question or edit the title of this one.
PS : A wild guess : ChIPseeker maybe can't parse "biological_region" features. But if you change this
into this :
it might work. or not.