Dear all,
I have a query that, is there any difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene/genome composition or gene signature? Can I identify if a gene sequences is from prokaryotes or eukaryotes by analyzing only the composition of the sequences (without having the information about the intron, exon, CDS region)? If so, what are the composition to be checked?
May I ask you if this is a homework question or something dealing with a project you're working on? Sounds like the first, but I hope I'm wrong.
I have a trouble understanding what you mean. When you say:
Can I identify if a gene sequences is from prokaryotes or eukaryotes by analyzing only the composition of the sequences
What do you actually mean? If I have to check where does a sequence come from I usually blast it at first, and that doesn't require anything but the sequence itself. If you really don't find any hit with blast, you can then check other things. A genome has a specific GC content which is species specific and should tell you something. A eukaryotic gene has different promoters from a prokaryotic gene. By aligning the promotorial region together with the gene you should find the DNA promotorial elements that correspond to a eukaryote or prokaryote, for example.
Thank you Macspider for replying. I recently found a paper by Kryukov, et. al., there they experimented the GC containts over thousands of prokaryotes and eukaryotes and concluded that the GC contains are significantly different.
Hi, i am seeking answer to the same question as yours. if you have found the answer, kindly write to me