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8.0 years ago
Where can I download complete database of metabolic pathways of Plasmodium falciparum. I have search through KEGG, PlasmoDB, PlasmoCyc, MPMP databases but no headway? Kindly assist me with a link.
Thank you
Have you checked Reactome? It depends possibly on which format you need.
Database? Do you mean pathways and corresponding genes ?
If so,
Kegg has three different strains (as above). Use GeneSCF to retrieve all pathways and corresponding genes using appropriate codes (pfa or pfd or pfh).
Thank you for your response. I am working on identifying metabolic pathways of Plasmodium falciparum hence I specifically need a database containing all the reactions of the organism which i can analyse to obtain potential metabolic pathways. @Michael Dondrup, Reactome only provides pathway but what i need is a complete metabolic reaction database of Plasmodium falciparum. Kindly assist with a link to download the database
Please be more specific. In your question you asked for metabolic pathways, reactome provides that, metabolic reactions is essentially the same thing. To download their database, please check out the Downloads section of Reactome.