I am working on bisulfite sequencing data. and tried searching for a standard protocol, but couldnt get that. Can someone help me with the bisulfite sequencing protocol in detail and also the tools to be used for the same.
I am working on bisulfite sequencing data. and tried searching for a standard protocol, but couldnt get that. Can someone help me with the bisulfite sequencing protocol in detail and also the tools to be used for the same.
You wont get a definite answer here as there is not that BS protocol, there is WGBS, RRBS, 450/850k arrays that are equally important. A good introduction will be Christoph Bocks review: http://www.nature.com/nrg/journal/v13/n10/full/nrg3273.html
If you already have the sequencing data then I recommend you look at Bismark. This link will direct you to the software and dependencies was well as a guide to the QC, trimming & alignment.
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Thank you so much for the guidance. I tried the Bismark method. It indeed works well for the bisulfite-seq data!