How to extract the numerical expression values for plotting time series curves for this Custom Yeast Genomic 70-mer Oligonucleotide Microarray NCBI GEO dataset?
I would like to plot the mRNA expression time series curves based on the data of the following NcBI GEO dataset.
Series GSE3705
The title of this dataset is:
JM43 cells grown aerobically in galactose and treated with Antimycin A
The URL of this dataset is:
The citation of the publication, which goes along with this dataset, is:
Lai LC, Kissinger MT, Burke PV, Kwast KE. Comparison of the transcriptomic "stress response" evoked by antimycin A and oxygen deprivation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. BMC Genomics 2008 Dec 23;9:627. PMID: 19105839.
This publication is free available at
My problem is that the platform is
GPL1535 Custom Yeast Genomic 70-mer Oligonucleotide Microarray
What do I need to do to extract the numerical gene expression values from this dataset, which are most meaningful for plotting time series curves?
Thanks a lot