Hi I'm new to the NGS data analysis, want to practice how to use bcl2fastq to demultiplex a nextseq run.
I have a run from Nextseq few weeks ago (with Basespace, didn't do standalone). Try to download BCL for this run, but I can only download fastq from basespace.illumina.com. I can see the output folder in the basespace, but can only download files one buy one.
My questions are:
1, how to download bulk BCL files from basespace?
2, As I know nextseq only keep the most recent run folder in D:\Illumina\NextSeq Control Software\Temp. But for old runs, if I didn't run standalone , does that means I don't have the output folder in the Nextseq machine, and the output folders are only on Basespace?
Old thread, but can you specify how you got to BCL through basemount?