can anyone introduce database/collection ofr enhancer sequences and their annotations for human/mammal genomes to be used in analyses such as chipseq
many thanks
can anyone introduce database/collection ofr enhancer sequences and their annotations for human/mammal genomes to be used in analyses such as chipseq
many thanks
There are many databases available: EnhancerAtlas: http://enhanceratlas.org/, VISTA https://enhancer.lbl.gov/, FANTOM http://fantom.gsc.riken.jp/5/data/, DenDB: http://www.cbrc.kaust.edu.sa/dendb/
Have you tried https://enhancer.lbl.gov/?
You may start with the results of ChromHMM (http://compbio.mit.edu/ChromHMM/) or Segway (http://noble.gs.washington.edu/proj/encyclopedia/). In both cases, we are talking about prediction (by machine learning), rather than a proper knowledge base.
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many thanks for the link