Esteemed bioinformaticians
I was wondering if anyone on here has a local copy of dbSNP and could answer me some questions before i undergo what i have been told is a painful process of installing a local copy.
I have looked at all of these Entrez SNP reports and none of them give me the information I want. I want to get the information about how the SNP affects the transcript as show in the GeneView section of the webpage. Some reports do show you some of this information - this is a snippet of the flat file report from rsrs2034920
LOC | CT45A5 | locusid=441521 | fxn-class=coding-synonymous | allele=C | frame=3 | residue=N | aaposition=97<BR> LOC | CT45A5 | locusid=441521 | fxn-class=reference | allele=T | frame=3 | residue=N | aaposition=97<BR> LOC | CT45A5 | locusid=441521 | fxn-class=coding-synonymous | allele=C | frame=3 | residue=N | aaposition=97<BR> LOC | CT45A5 | locusid=441521 | fxn-class=reference | allele=T | frame=3 | residue=N | aaposition=97<BR> LOC | CT45A5 | locusid=441521 | fxn-class=coding-synonymous | allele=C | frame=3 | residue=N | aaposition=97<BR> LOC | CT45A5 | locusid=441521 | fxn-class=reference | allele=T | frame=3 | residue=N | aaposition=97<BR>
You can't link the consequence info in this report to any particular transcript. There is no transcript information other than this in the whole report.
So i was wondering,
1) Am i missing something obvious and i get the information i want from these reports 2) Presumbably a local copy of dbSNP will contain all of the information used on the webpages so i can get the information from here as a last resort
Please note, I don't want to use any other SNP effect prediction tools like ensembl or snp nexus to get snp consequence - it has to be dbSNP.
my humble thanks
what is the rettype of that report as none of the reports in the list i looked at look like that. Is it native? I think that's the default. I know you're a java programmer but I don't know if you use perl. What would you recommend for parsing xml in perl? thanks a lot
that report wasn't in the list of reports at ncbi! However the rettype=native report doesn't give the snp allele information. There is some info for the individual submitters but i don't want to use that. I want to use the allele mapped to a specific assembly and if your snp is intronic or the like (e.g. only has one consequence for all the different alleles) you can't get the snp allele from this report