Hi, I have an assignment where I have to find this:
"A table of the 4 mutations (listed in the NCBI OMIM database) in the TMPRSS3 protein causing deafness, their dbSNP id, their consequence for the protein coding sequence of TMPRSS3 and their genomic coordinates (hg19). Use information present in hg19.omimAvSnp and hg19.omimAv tables (available at the UCSC table browser) to generate your table"
I have found the 4 mutations and information about them. But what is "omimAvSnp"?
While you should be able to find them at UCSC Table Browser, the specific omim related tables appear to be grayed out (not sure if there is some access restriction from OMIM now). You should email UCSC genome browser support about this question (genome at soe.ucsc.edu)