Does anyone has a easy solution to order contig from an assembly by size ? For example, I want that contig1 is the largest, contig 2 is the second largest etc...
I can't find a convenient solution (maybe I'm not looking good enough..)
I actually like your solution !
awk solution was working but in ascending order, I wanted decreasing order. And adding just a --reverse on the sort command didn't solved it so I was running out of solution.. I'm going to try seqkit thanks !
That was not an acid comment. It was a genuine suggestion (in case you did not know about man inline help for unix commands). It was in light of your comment above which indicated that you were making a minor formatting error for the sort command option.
duplicate of how to rearrange fasta file according to its length
Sorry didn't found it... Should I delete my post or marked it as answered ?
please,don't delete. just close it.
oh right! didn't realize this. But it seems that OP wants rename contigs too.