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7.8 years ago
Saad Khan
I am wondering if there is a resource that can give me protein protein interaction conservation score for a pair of proteins that have orthologues in two species in this case mouse and human and if someone can point me to it.
It is not clear to me what you want to measure the conservation of. Is it the conservation of the pair of proteins or the conservation of the interaction per se? In the former case, it should be reasonably easy to calculate a conservation score for each protein and combine them into one. In the latter case, I doubt it would be meaningful, since an interaction found in one organism but not in the other is more likely to be a false negative or false positive than an actual biological differences.
I am more interested in looking at protein interaction conservation. Which I believe would be similar for species like human and mice for which interactome data is well defined.There has been some research in the area where people have used/calculated PPI similarity measure but these were done using go similarity scores( see link below). I was wondering if actual protein interaction data has been used for the same by someone?