I am using BisSNP-0.82.2 tool to find SNP in bisulfite data. But I get the below mention error while using this command : java -Xmx4g -jar BisSNP-0.82.2.jar -R /home/genomics2/ALM_BS_genome_new.fasta -T BisulfiteGenotyper -I /home/genomics2/tools/ALM1Fd_R1_paired_trimmed_withRG.bam -D /home/genomics2/tools/dbSNP/merge_vcf_file2.vcf -vfn1 /home/genomics2/tool/dbSNP/cpg.raw.vcf -vfn2 /home/genomics2/tool/dbSNP/snp.raw.vcf -L /home/genomics2/tools/ALM1_R1_paired_vcf_lenght.bed
ERROR MESSAGE: The provided VCF file is malformed at approximately line number 101449: The VCF specification does not allow for whitespace in the INFO field.
Please guide me how to sort this error.
Thank you so much both of you for your valuable help to sort this error. I remove all the present whitespace in my file in info column. but when I execute this below command , it generate an empty output files of cpg.vcf and snp.vcf.
Command used:
Is there any suggestion how I sort this error.
Thanks in advance.
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