Entering edit mode
7.7 years ago
Hello everybody, I am currently running RNA_seq pipeline and it was absolutely fine until I reached the KEGG step. first, I have 400 DE genes . I created matrix of ENTREZID and log2foldchange. here is the head of my matrix:
> head(cp_matrix)
35526 41092 39976 40831 36778 33636
-0.4144379 -0.6321093 -0.3219794 -2.0373447 2.3645869 0.6998755
then I have run:
kegg_enrich <- enrichKEGG(gene = names(cp_matrix),
organism = "fly",
pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
qvalueCutoff = 0.10)
and I have the same error message:
No gene can be mapped....
--> return NULL...
any idea how to solve this??
thanks much
Maybe it is this issue?
My IDs are already character
Did you convert genes IDs according to ENTREZID using clusterProfiler::bitr?